So the big news this week, Donald Trump "owns" Raw. It seems like many were not fond of the idea of Donald Trump being "owner." I, on the other hand, have a different look on it.
It is obvious that this is just a storyline. And in case if you didn't know the USA Network let the cat out of the bag on that. Which I thought kind of sucked. Yeah, its a story... But don't need to come out and say it. It kind of takes the little bit of mystery left in wrestling out of it. But I digress...
What's funny is last week I came up with a very similar idea myself last week. My idea revolved around remaking ECW into more of a resemblance of what it once was. Granted, ECW will never be what it was... But I think what Heyman was trying to build up before he left WWE was great. Basically, it was a way of having ECW be ECW again, while still being under the WWE umbrella. Last Monday, basically that happened with RAW... Just not explained very well.
If you think about it... They have been trying to make RAW, Smackdown!, and ECW 3 seperate "Brands." Problem in the end always is, Vince McMahon (storyline McMahon that is). McMahon is what keeps everything seem the same since before the draft. He had full reign over RAW, Smackdown!, ECW, Superstars, the Pay Per View, etc. The General Managers worked for him. So while the point of having 3 Brands was to in esence create its own competition, it really didn't. Although they had the interbrand matches (which at first meant something), they really became just WWE Matches. Interbrand matches lost their meaning quickly.
Esstentially, RAW has been "Franchised." It still falls under the WWE umbrella, however it can seem to operate independently... Basically being like any other sports team. The Phillies operate independently from MLB, but they play in a league operated by MLB. This is why I think Trump "owning" RAW is a very good thing. By having RAW being "bought," this allows to have the semblance of competition between the brands. Those "working" for The Donald will want to "beat" those "working" for Vince McMahon. I would assume that this will be to test out the waters to have Smackdown and ECW "bought." In a way it would bring back the nostaglia of the NWA. McMahon would still be the ruler of the wrestling world, however each "brand" will be competitive to be better than the other. I see this allowing much more freedom of the brands. It would also allow for possibly more spots on the roster, as I would assume WWE could use this move to kayfabe the television networks to get more TV time for "B Shows."
Now... I will agree... I don't think Trump is the man for the job... At least from a character point of view. The Donald is not an actor, he's simply a billionare. What little I have seen from his Apprentice TV show, he barely speaks other than his "You're fired!" What is good about naming Trump "owner" of RAW is that it makes sense for him to purchase it. He's obviously got the money to do it and he's worked closely with professional wrestling in the past. I would assume that this will only be a short term character to likely name his general manager. Which hopefully would be someone more accepted in the wrestling community.
Time will tell how this whole "Franchising" of RAW will go. I would venture to guess that this is the future of WWE. Whether this will be what turns things around in the big leagues or not remains to be seen. Tomorrow night starts the "test drive."
Big weekend coming up for Philadelphia Wrestling, as "The Legends of the Arena" invade the former ECW Arena on Saturday June 27th. What great about this show is that it benefits a great cause; cancer research. Its almost ironic that the ECW Wrestlers, the same wrestlers who were deemed degenerates to society are the ones to really try and make a huge difference in the world.
My good friend RC at Completely Damaged had a chance to talk to some of the people that will be at this huge event recently... Check out his video -
Also be sure to check WXW-C4's debut on http://www.hybrident.tv/!
Thats all for now... Until next time...
You stay classy!
Dan "The Phan"
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