This another "fan" inspired blog. The reason I say "fan" is... Well, not quite sure if he is or not... I'm willing to bet he isn't... But that's besides the point. This "fan" IM'd me on AIM about 2 weeks ago now, saying "wwe sucks." No "hey," "what's up," nothing... Just simply "wwe sucks." I responded by politely half disagreeing, half agreeing with him. He then said "Anyone who remotely thinks wwe is good doesn't deserve to live." OUCH... I just jokingly said "I guess I don't deserve to live." He responded... "Yep," "storylines don't have a place in wrestling." He then signed offline, and I haven't spoken to him since.
I got to thinking about our conversation. Not about the quality of WWE Programming, but the last comment "storylines have no place in wrestling." Obviously, he has a right to his opinion... Even if it is wrong! Haha... Just kidding, who knows if its right or wrong. However, I do disagree with that statement. Why? Because as long as I can remember, storylines have been apart of the professional wrestling business. I have read a lot of books on the history of wrestling, seeing as I was a history major in college. And all my research has seemingly shown that storylines have been apart of wrestling since the early 1900s.
Personally, I think storylines are an important part of professional wrestling. I know I am taken in by a GOOD storyline. Keyword: GOOD. I have always found that I am more attracted to matches that have meaning. And it doesn't necessarily mean a detailed storyline with twists and turns. If you look at The Undertaker / Shawn Michaels feud from Wrestlemania 25 this year, there was nothing really in depth, just simply two of Wrestlemania's biggest stars going head to head. And that so far has seemingly been the match of the year. Although it is hard to picture... But just imagine Wrestlemania 25... Mark Calloway versus Michael Hickenbottom. No backstory. No gimmicks. Just two guys "fighting..." BORING! That match was so exciting, not just because it was a GREAT match, but it was two guys who built up their careers for the last two decades! It was a clash of the titans!
This is why I personally have always found it hard to follow boxing and MMA. I by no means am saying it is bad, but it is just not my cup of tea. But there isn't really a story, in boxing moreso than MMA. Granted there have been fighters people have followed... Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, etc. They were/are all great fighers, but I think they all have something in common... They all were characters. That is why we followed their careers. Of course I picked these three to prove that point. But really... I couldn't tell you any of their stand out matches. But I can tell you how Mike Tyson has been in trouble with the law a million times, how he bit off the ear of Evander Holyfield, etc. MMA is attempting to give back stories, which is why it has more success than boxing. But right now, I don't see anything that stands out. Other than we are basically watching a Shoot Wrestling. I will admit though, Lesnar/Mir II has got me interested... But why? Is it that Lesnar/Mir have a bit of a history? Is it that Mir beat Lesnar, but now Lesnar is the Champ? Is it UFC's Past vs. Present? There's a story there!
Pull out at of the "Difinitive Collections" from WWE. I find them very hard to get into. Sure, I know I am seeing classic matches. But I don't understand why they are so great. They just show the match. They don't show the weeks of TV leading to that classic match on PPV. Wrestling operates on storylines and current events. What was hot in 1980 may not be hot now, especially if the story isn't there.
Storylines are just necessary. Granted, where a good storyline can create a "Wrestlemania Moment," bad ones can kill great matches. Triple H vs. Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania X8 I think it was... Both men were in their prime. Wrestling was still a hot business. What was the story? Not HHH and Y2J's past. Oh no... It was HHH's divorce with Stephanie McMahon and the ownership of the family dog. Does anyone remember the match? Nope... They remember how dumb that storyline was.
In my opinion... And remember its just an opinion... Storylines are just necessary in wrestling. And if you look closely every sport has storylines now. Granted, not written in a board room in Stamford, Conn. or Orlando, Fl.. Just look at last year's World Series... What was the story? Could the Philadelphia Phillies end the 25 year championship drought?
I do want to say that everything I say in this blog is my opinion, right or wrong... And it is really to entertain. I do hope that no one takes offense as I respect any opinion I receive.
I do want to add that John House and Michael Pancoast have come up with a great site: http://www.hybrident.tv/ I am glad to see that they are continuously adding great new content as well as being able to come to terms with CZW and their new webshow to continue. Of course I have alterior motives... Haha... I can mark out to myself and watch WXW-C4 Blast TV on http://www.hybrident.tv/.
Also... I have gotten into the Twitter craze. I figured... I'm a commentator... Why not commentate everyday life? If you haven't had more than enough Cowhey in your life... Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ThePhan11... Again its all in fun.
Anyway... Until next time...
You stay classy,
Dan The Phan