Obviously I'm not the first to talk about these news stories. And I think much of the world agrees that these two men could possibly turn the wrestling business around. Both men are household names that have been involved with wrestling that both have unfinished business in WWE AND are not over used in the media. So both prove to have a much greater upside for WWE especially starting off the new year and the road to Wrestlemania 26. The success of their appearances depends on how WWE uses them... DUH! The Guest Host gimmick has been a somewhat success, as it is getting WWE some mainstream attention. However, I've believe since day one (and I may have said this in the past) that the Guest Host gimmick needs to lead to a major attraction match/storyline/feud. And now WWE has that chance to do exactly that!
The first two weeks of 2010 are definitely pivotal weeks for WWE, TNA, and UFC... More so WWE. Its no secret that WWE is still seen as the leader in Sports Entertainment. I know some will disagree and say UFC. But really it isn't. Its quite obvious that Spike TV, who house the television programs of TNA and UFC, see WWE as the leader. The first two Mondays of 2010 Spike TV is placing TNA and UFC in direct competition of WWE. Granted UFC is definitely the superior product right now, but for whatever reason its still seen as "number two" to WWE. It does better numbers on Pay Per View and Television but it still hasn't, in my opinion at least, definitively set itself apart from WWE. TNA, on the other hand, is most definitely number 3. But Spike TV has really been trying to create a powerhouse cable channel for the last ten years, especially when it comes to the male demographic. It was very strong when WWE was there. But once WWE left it had a void to fill and they seemingly haven't decided who will fill that void. They chose TNA first and then it was UFC. UFC has definitely been more successful in filling the void. The Ultimate Fight = MTV Tough Enough and UFC Fight Nights = Monday Night RAW. But I think Spike almost agrees with WWE's argument about why they are better than UFC... "We guarantee excitement" AKA... "We admit it... We fix our matches." UFC doesn't do that so their product can be and is extremely hit and miss. So they look to TNA to bring in Hulk Hogan and make a go at WWE on Monday Night January the 4th, however still giving UFC that chance to take out WWE on Cable TV like they have done on PPV by airing Fight Night on Monday January 11th.
Read this on Eric Garguilo's Camel Clutch Blog, "It is quite possible that TNA and the UFC woke up a sleeping giant that has been thirsting for competition for over eight years." I whole-heartedly agree with that statement. TNA, UFC, and Spike TV have awoken Vince McMahon. I'm sure he'll admit that his product hasn't exactly been up to par lately... The numbers don't lie. Viewership is down on Pay Per View... Viewership is shaky on both Cable and Network Television... Arena's aren't selling out like they use to. He knows all of that. But as long as no one was directly challenging him... He knew that everything would be alright. WWE's number aren't what the use to be but really in the grand scheme of things aren't that bad either. WWE is just coasting, just like most entertainment avenues. But they are now awake. And really it couldn't be a worse time for TNA and UFC. Generally, January marks the beginning of the Road To Wrestlemania. The Royal Rumble PPV is usually in January and it sets up the main event for March/April's Wrestlemania. They've picked to start a war with WWE during the most import 3-4 months of WWE's Calendar!
Enter Mike Tyson and Bret "The Hitman" Hart. What was thought to be an almost guaranteed "this will never happen..." Bret Hart back in WWE is going to happen. It was very lightly rumored as early as September of this year when they re-enacted the INFAMOUS Montreal Screwjob at WWE Breaking Point. Talks of the imminent return of Bret Hart exploded when his name was mentioned by Dennis Miller on a recent edition of RAW. With TNA airing a special on Monday Night January 4th headlined by the return of Hulk Hogan to wrestling... Its almost a guarantee that "The Hitman" will return on January 4th as well. Hart hasn't hid the fact that he is NOT one of Hulk Hogan's biggest fans, dating back to Wrestlemania 9. Since the early 90s rise of The Hitman, its almost been his mission to prove to the world that he is Hogan's equal. Granted in the last few years, I haven't been Hart's biggest supporter... I will agree that Hart is definitely deserving of being placed into the same category. And I do understand is frustrations. And if its true that January 4th marks his return to WWE, he is definitely poised to make a bigger impact than Hulk Hogan on TNA. Why? The obvious reason is... This marks Hogan's 1 millionth return to wrestling dating back to Wrestlemania 9! Hogan has been known to walk away more than once, and each time he comes back it means less and less. Granted, Hogan will always get the hero's reaction because well... He's Hulk F'N Hogan! But how many times has Hart walked away and come back? Technically never. You can argue about his Hall of Fame induction... But it was just a quick speech and a DVD we got out of that. Really, nothing was resolved. Hart hasn't gotten the proper send off that he deserves. Hart hasn't gotten to resolve his issues with McMahon or Michaels or even Triple H for that matter. I know most people rather that issue not be rehashed for fear it won't live up to what we believe in our minds. But it has to happen. Hogan may be the biggest star ever in profession wrestling. But even he isn't bigger than the most controversial moment in wrestling history. That alone is enough to crush TNA on January the 4th. But couple that with the fact that Hogan has been regularly seen on television in some fashion for the last 10+ years, while Hart has not. Hogan's reality shows may have made him money and a household name again, but they killed his star power a bit... I've seen Hulk Hogan a lot but I haven't seen Bret Hart a lot. Sure people will tune into TNA on January 4th at 8 PM, including me. However, if Bret Hart is on RAW starting at 9 PM... I'm going over the USA Network right away. TNA... Hulk Hogan isn't your answer... Unless he puts someone like AJ Styles or Samoa Joe or Christopher Daniels over in a big way.
The next week UFC goes head to head with RAW... WWE is bringing in Mike Tyson (with the possibility that Bret Hart will still be around). Tyson only recently has re-entered the world of entertainment with his appearance in The Hangover as well as his documentary. Despite Tyson's checkered past, he's been reinvented as a changed man. Who didn't feel sorry for the man losing his daughter? No matter how evil someone is, for someone to lose their child in such a way that he did... It is tragic! Tyson, like Hart, hasn't been in the public eye all that much in the last few years. UFC Fight Night, went from being a special one night affair, to being almost a monthly affair featuring their undercard fighters. Tyson gets attention where ever he goes... People want to know what the hell he's going to do next! He, once again like Hart, has unfinished business with the same people... Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Back at Wrestlemania 14, Tyson turned on DX. But DX didn't get their revenge!
With DX having the Tag Team Championship, allowing them to appear on all the WWE Brands... We could have a great feud brewing involving DX, Tyson, and Hart over the next few weeks. I would assume that Hart can't wrestle. I know there are reports saying he will. I doubt that, as Hart hasn't really looked all that good lately coupled with his fairly recent stroke. So I would hope this means that Bret Hart can elevate some younger talent in the next few months. All the ingredients are there for a huge Wrestlemania Moment. But will it happen?
What has happened though is WWE, TNA, and UFC have people talking and it could only benefit the world of fighting entertainment!
Thanks for reading over the last year. 2010 looks to be a big year for both wrestling and myself in the wrestling world. I should have some new projects that I will be working on as well as continuing my work with WXW-C4 and WSU.
So have a happy holiday season... And until next time... You Stay Classy!
Dan "The Phan"
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