As much as I am excited for Wrestlemania, I have to say... I think they needed one LESS week of promotion. Here we are 4 days and some hours away, and we still have an ECW and a Smackdown! to get through. What else is there? Last week, to me at least, really seemed to be a great last shows into 'Mania. This week, it seemed they needed material... When it came to the Main Events at least. But hey, usually WWE has it the other way, not enough time to properly promote the next PPV, which I'm sure will happen for Backlash.
So where to start...
JBL/Mysterio for the IC Belt: This has the potential to be a very good match. However the build up to it was sub-par. I think they were doing a good job with JBL going onto the net to promote his appearance at 'Mania. But I think this match was just thrown together. And thats what I think hurts it. But then again, why is this going to be such a memorable JBL appearance? As much as JBL is really past what he was a few years back while he was a World Champion... He still has the ablity to make some really awesome heel material. Rumors were/are he's retiring... But how is that memorable? If he was a face again, then it would be... But as a heel? I still think JBL/HBK at 'Mania would have made more sense too. So who will come out on top? This is a hard one, as it is expected that Rey is going back to Smackdown! So if he were to win do we get the IC Title on Smackdown! and the US Title on RAW? But that isn't so illogical, as the US Title has been more stable in the last year. Whoever the winner, I think this match will set the tone for the Draft and possibly Money In The Bank. What I am confident in saying is... I think this match will open the show. Both have opened 'Mania in the past, and I think this is a sure fire good opening bout.
I personally would put the Tag Match, but I have a feeling its gonna be Money In The Bank as the #2 Match.
Money In The Bank: This is another hard one. Personally... I'd like to see Punk win it again. But I doubt that will happen, as that right is reserved for Edge (Who only one it once techincally, but has had the "case" twice). I'm kind of scared of the quality of this match, as it has been the highlight of the last few 'Manias, but this time is has 2 big men. Now I personally think its fun to see ONE person out of their eliment in a match like this (Kane was awesome in the TLC on RAW a few years ago). But two? Although I was never really a R-Truth fan until recently... I think he would have been the better pick over Mark Henry. But I could be wrong, as Henry has grown on me. So winner? Henry out... No question about that. Punk... I think he's out for the reasons I said above. Finlay out... I don't see him as ever being the top guy, but the guy that grooms the next top guy. Kofi Kingston? That would be another surprise to me. They took him out of the Chamber before, so how much faith do they truly have in him? Plus, I think he could run with the IC or US Title for a bit. Who does that leave? Kane, MVP, Benjamin, and Christian. All are good candidates. But going by recent events, I would say MVP is probably poised for it. Personally I think they could have kept the streak going until he qualified for this and then won it. But either way, I think he's in the best spot right now. Benjamin is pretty much a perennial midcarder, as they've changed the wrapping so many times but he's essentially the same guy we first saw in Team Angle. Kane? Although it would be fun to really put their money behind him, I think he's kind of peaked at least in the powers-that-be's eyes. And Christian? If rumors are true... McMahon won't put the money behind him either. But then again... Why did he allow him to comeback? Maybe the Cap'n will make it Hap'n.
Next up...
Jericho vs. The Legends... Easy... No contest finish with the Legends looking good in the end. Whereelse can you go with this? Short of a match between Rourke and Jericho. And of course... Rourke will be involved. It just has to happen. I'm sure the only reason there was cold feet was because of the Oscars. Now that's over with, Rourke will play a part in the match. If he doesn't, I'll be disappointed. Another scenario... Hogan? Rumors were going around about him and 'Mania... Could it happen? Another thought... MORE LEGENDS. OR... Glass Shatters... Austin stuns Jericho. In any case, Jericho (the top heel) does the job and we get a fun match.
I'm going to say the Tag Match is up next...
Colons vs. Miz & Morrison... I think this is another easy one. Jake and I noticed probably about 6 months ago that Miz & Morrison are on EVERY WWE SHOW. And I don't think WWE even has noticed this yet. As much of a makeshift tag team this is... They seriously are the #1 Team out there right now, where as the Colons who have the potential are not in M&M's league. Plus, basing off of what I have written so far. All faces are going to win. A heel or two need to come out on top. And Miz & Morrison is exactly that, plus... They are the face of WWE practically. They are the ones doing the radio and TV shows, the charity events, and again they are on EVERY WWE SHOW EVERY WEEK!
The Hardys Face-off... I guess the third time is a charm... In this case its like the what... 3 billionth time?
(Side note... Watching ECW now... And Matt Striker as an announcer sucks. I heard a Big Pun and a Notorious BIG reference... I don't think he realizes they are two different people. Ugh... But I suppose he's better than me! He's there and I'm here. Back to the blog...)
They've tried and tried and finally got a halfway decent/believable Hardy Feud. And now, they are probably gonna have this as a one and one feud. So who comes out on top? I'm going to say Matt Hardy... As he needs this more than Jeff does. Jeff has always been seen as the "Shawn Michaels" while Matt is "Marty Jannetty." Even though, personally I think Matt has been better (until recent months as Jeff really has become a main eventer). Another scenario... Jeff wins and we get a Hardy Boyz vs. Miz & Morrison leading into the summer.
Next... Either World Title 3 Way or HBK/Taker...
I'm going with World Title 3 Way... Who wins though? I'm going to say Cena, as I believe HHH is dropping the belt to Orton. I think this match DIDN'T need Big Show, in fact I think the 3 Way Match at 'Mania went from being not done to being OVER done. Although now thinking, it may be Big Show winning with Orton winning later on. Giving us Cena/Orton and Show/Edge in the summer. Another scenario would be Cena winning and Orton losing leading to the same feuds. I guess either way, I've just cover both World Title matches but HHH/Orton Match will Main Event the entire PPV.
25 Diva Battle Royal... This will be before the Main Event. Who wins? Who knows? I think this won't lead to any angles. So I'm assuming we'll get some Santino Marella fun. And probably a Beth Pheonix win, positioning her as the top Diva in WWE today.
Last but not least... I probably the best story in WWE right now (As Orton/HHH didn't need this week's RAW and made it overkill last night). Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker... For me being an Undertaker mark... This is quite possibly the scariest match in regards to the streak. HBK could really be the guy to do it, as he "put down" Flair last year... Which I still think was dumb to a certain extent as they could have given the rub to a young star. I believe the same scenario is here. I think what makes this hard to call is the fact that Flair was known to be retiring, here Taker isn't... Rumored at times, but nothing close to be confirmed. And its my belief that the day Taker loses at 'Mania is the day he retires. So is it time? Looking at my Wrestling 101 book, no it isn't Taker's time. Michaels has been the one looking good every week. And usually that would say that Undertaker is winning. Plus, I believe if its going to end they are going to do it in style. And I believe there is too much going on for it to be the end... Random thought... JBL's History Making Moment Here?
Well there's my long winded predictions about Wrestlemania... Is there a NCAA-like pool to enter here? I feel fairly confident in my picks... Haha... In other news, visit my friend RC's site for Completely Damaged. He went from interviewing me to interviewing the guy I want to be, Joey Styles. Anyway, check it out
If I don't blog before then... See you April 25th at PWU New Beginnings (!
Stay classy,
Dan "The Phan"